Net Shot  Practice

Tactical Problem: How do you play the birdie close to the net?
Skill development: The learn the technique of lunging to the net and playing a short birdie.

Teaching Points:

Net Shot (backhand & forehand):

  • Racquet parallel to the ground.
  • Lunge to birdie.
  • Lunge with racquet leg.
  • Land and strike birdie at same time.
  • Palm up for forehand, Palm down for backhand. 
  • Knife-like stab at birdie, no swing or little upward motion.
  • Back to ready position.
  • Outcome: birdie tumbles and tight to net.


Organizational Points:

1. Overhead Clear Motion:

  • In groups of 4 or more.
  • Two students will hand feed the birdie over the net for another student to return.
  • The feeders will be placed on the other side of the net and one the singles side line.
  • The other players will line up on the center line behind the service line and perform a forehand net shot, then retreat to center court and perform a backhand net shot.
  • They will then go to the back of the line.